Released a promotional video of “Demimen” game system
And to conduct a Twitter pre-registration lottery campaign


LapLand Inc. which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of IGNIS LTD. announces that it has released the promotional video of the game system of “Demimen”, which is a new game for women, scheduled for distribution in 2018, and that it has conducted the Twitter pre-registration campaign.

Release of the promotion movie of “Demimen” game system

Game system promotion movie:

互いを呼び合う必殺技は、全組み合わせフルボイス! タップ1つで、ポッコポコに敵を一掃! 転がってくる敵を待ち構えてタップ


(Note) This is a summary translation. For more details, please refer to the original press release (Japanese) announced on the same day.

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